


I have written the fastest KV store on the world

One of my former collegure had written a KV store, he said his KV store is much faster than Redis, BUT, there is a catch, that’s, his KV solution would crash from time to time, what’s the fuck?

Dare u put such a KV store on production?

Quality means stable

We have a SaaS product that serve thousands, millions COM and people, but it’s getting too old, so before I came, they have evolved another SaaS revision and want to replace the old one.

Sadly, dream comes down to the ground, in a short time, they can’t finish the plan, and our customers still depends on the old SaaS platform.

So we recruit a team to maintain the old SaaS platform, they upgrade the software by using shiny Tek stack, popular middlewares, Bang…

Days pass, thousands COM customers can’t carry out their business, what a tragedy!

Dude, If most of the customers are using your platform, PLEASE be cautious and pay serious attention to your production platform.

Keep it be stable is much more important than any other indicators, such as stunning tek, high quality code and beautiful architecture, blablabla.

Stable is everything on production, you don’t have to refactoring the system to get it, really!

go half way or make one way to end

I am proud to use not-so-popular technologies when I made the decision years ago.

These days, when I saw teams had done so many things that’s not finished, smilence will come onto my face.

When Chinese sayings says, “十鸟在林,不如一鸟在手”,I know I was using it as my way.

When I make one way to the end, I can start another way much easier, at least, I have much more time and resources to improve the old one, “先僵化、后优化、再固化”, Great Minds Think Alike!

last words

I am telling you true stories, I hope you can get it and absorb it and execute it in your daily works and make you a better you.

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「福强私学」, 一部沉淀了个人成长、技术与架构、组织与管理以及商业上的方法与心法的百科全书。

