返老还童(The Curious Case of Benjamin Button)

2014年从msn space存档中重新恢复出来!

It’s such a long movie, it starts dull, but believe me, you should watch this movie.

I am so glad I didn’t quit when I thought it was a dull movie. Benjamin Button’s life, a so different life, but I don’t think it’s a life so different to us, I just thougt, what my life will be when that time comes?!

Just like the song “In The End” from Linkin Part 1, “but in the end, it doesn’t matter”? I should leave something behind! But I am scared to this mind…why I am so confused recently? oh, maybe confused all the time.


任贤 刘 - 1/10/2009 1:45:40 PM

好看吗?我打算过几天去电影院看这个。我今天去看了yes man, 很好看,推荐,o(∩_∩)o… 新年快乐!!

Wang Darren - 1/12/2009 8:51:08 PM

当然好看啦,不然我这么大力推荐干嘛,呵呵,我瞅瞅yes man去

任贤 刘 - 1/19/2009 9:53:16 AM


  1. it’s a rock music which I like most, so u people still think the rock music meaningless, ha?↩︎

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