BiasedScala: Initializing without new



In the old days, when we want to create some instances of some classes, we have to use the new keyword, just like this:

val payloadOldWay = new JsonObject();

val message = new JsonObject

It’s not a big deal in the most of the time, but when Scala3 comes, the new keyword is not mandatory anymore, I think it’s a small change BUT a big step, less keystrokes matter:

val payload = JsonObject()

Underneatch, Scala3 compiler will take care of the old new things, this time, scala team leave simple to user and leave complexity to themselves.

The most beautiful thing with this feature is that it makes method chaining easier:

val payload = JsonObject()
  .put("message", JsonObject().put("text", "Hello world!"))

// of course, most of the time, I just write above code in one-liner:
// val payload = JsonObject().put("apiUser","xyz").put("apiKey","xxx").put("message", JsonObject().put("text", "Hello world!"))

As a vertx json API user, I like this feature very much ;)

I am old fashioned, so simple json libray which is easy to understand like vertx is my favorite, I don’t like marshalling/unmarshalling with other libraries with reflection or other meta programming tricks.

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