BiasedScala: I like Future more than yesterday



Although we have Executor/ExecutorService, even ForkJoinPool, most of the time, I only use Scala’s Future instead. Not because others are not excellent or no good, just because I feel natural to use Future.

I had said, if the syntax of a programming language is the taste of it, then I like scala’s taste and stick with it. Same same, I like Future style instead of submit(task) or execute(runnable) styles, although the underneath mechanism is almost a same.

One of the scenarios I would like to use scala Future is where I use Vert.x to create some HTTP API. Since Vert.x advocates to write async code, and if the processing of IO or business logic takes too long, it will warn explicitly via io.vertx.core.impl.BlockedThreadChecker, so usually, I will wrap the processing in a Future block:

    if (channelRepository.channels.containsKey(channelId)) {
        Future {
  "push message: ${pushPayload} with channel: $channelId")
    } else {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException(s"no channel with id=${channelId} found as per the push request.")

fire and forget, fucking easy!

OK, I admit I am not telling you the whole story, In fact, Future block needs some implicit ExecutionContext available in context, so we have to import in the beginning or some where before Future block is used. Of course, we can create some ExecutionContext by ourselves, and implicitly import it when using Future block, but since import is available, I don’t think it’s necessary anymore, most of the time, one global ExecutionContext will be cool.

In Scala3, we can provide an implicit dependency with given, that’s will be another story, stay tuned.

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